News on Game Art Guidebook

Almost 2 weeks after launching the guidebook's beta, I'm thrilled to announce that all spots have been claimed! Closing sales temporarily until our next update. Stay tuned - to not miss the moment price will be increased.

Why spots are limited? I'm currently using the Notion platform to add everyone manually, and there is a limit. But I'm solving this right now and already have some ideas.

Also, I've started receiving positive feedback and incredibly helpful suggestions for improving the book's content. With this support, I'm now focusing on updates; the "Working with Color" chapter is currently in progress.

Since the launch of the beta version I've added a new chapter on building a portfolio. So it's already included.

If you're interested in behind the scenes of the book progress, and more drawing stuff, follow me on Twitter where I'll post some sneak peeks there.


Ruslan Kim

P.S. Click on the book picture below if you need the reference where this email came from :)

Game Art Guidebook Waitlist

Read more from Game Art Guidebook Waitlist

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